How To Inspect Your Heating Oil Tank

Posted on April 09 2020

Oil leaks can be very costly and may not be covered by home insurance, we
recommend all new customers perform a self-inspection before ordering.

Please review these tank safety basics:

  • Your tank is not leaking, and there are no signs of leaks on or under the tank.

  • The fill and vent pipes are connected properly, not blocked and not leaking. Both need to be piped outside and in eyesight of each other. 

  • Your tank is on a stable and solid foundation.

  • The oil line from the tank to the burner is connected at both ends and is not


The diagram below indicates where and what to look for to complete a visual safety inspection of your oil tank.

Tank Inspection

Self-Inspection Checklist

Use this checklist, along with the provided diagram, to perform confirm perform a
9-point safety inspection for your oil tank.

1. Vent pipe: There is a black iron vent pipe outside, and it is not clogged with snow or other debris and is in eyesight of the fill pipe.

2. Fill pipe: The fill pipe is connected to the tank and piped outside and there are no signs of leakage.

3. Tank surface: The surface is free from rust, oil “weeps”, wet spots or excessive dents.

4. Tank legs: Legs are stable and are on an even foundation.

5. Beneath the tank: There are no leaks or signs of leaks under the tank.

6. Oil filter: There are no leaks or signs of leaks under or around the oil filter.

7. Oil lines: Lines are connected to the tank and the burner, and run above the concrete and are encased in       protective tubing.

8. Tank gauge: There is a working gauge.

9. Age of tank: Your tank is less than 25 years old.

If you answered no to any of these statements, please call the office to confirm, 888-338-4477.

If we determine your tank is not safe to deliver to, you may need to contact an HVAC
technician to come service your tank. If you do not have an existing HVAC company that
you use, the office can provide a recommendation for a local service provider.

For more detail on how to troubleshoot your heating oil furnace or boiler, be sure to read Troubleshooting 101

Learn more about Heating Oil

Visit our Ultimate Consumer’s Guide to Heating Oil for everything you need to know about heating your home with #2 heating oil.

Stay cozy out there!
The Heatable Crew