What Really Affects Home Heating Oil Prices?

Curious why heating oil prices seem to change so frequently? From global supply and demand to local winter weather, we break down the key factors that impact your heating costs and fluctuations.

What affects home heating oil prices?

Good question. The simple answer is crude oil prices - but figuring out what affects crude oil prices is a whole other challenge. Here are a few global and local forces that can impact the price of heating oil.
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How Does Severe Weather Affect Heating Oil Prices?

Why is it that the weather outside can affect the price of heating oil inside? Interestingly, there’s more than just one factor playing a role here.
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When Should I Order More Heating Oil?

It’s no fun running out of heating oil in the middle of the night in the middle of winter. But it doesn’t have to be so hard to keep your tank full. Check out our top tip for never letting your tank run on E.
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